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When a product is labeled as full spectrum - whether it be a tincture, topical or edible - these products contain multiple cannabinoids such as CBD, CBG, CBN, CBC and THC with CBD being the most prominent with What Is CBD Isolate?

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Despite the vast support nationwide and in Georgia, Governor Deal has refused to allow … Georgia governor signs medical marijuana law - CNN 16.04.2015 · The family of Haleigh Cox can rest more comfortably living in Georgia now that their 5-year-old daughter can get the marijuana extract she needs. The Latest on Georgia's Multiple 2017 Marijuana Related Bills Three bills related to marijuana and a House Resolution intended to let voters have a say on the in-state cultivation of marijuana were introduced in the Georgia Legislature during this legislative session, and as of midnight on Friday, March 3, also known as Crossover Day, each of the bills either passed from one legislative body to the other, or failed to advance by not receiving enough votes.

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